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Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 6)
The social consequences of pseudoscience are particularly devastating. Let us formulate the most important of them. For example, the baldness for many years made it impossible to discuss the feedback from the environment in the analysis of the origin and evolution of life. But in nature, processes are impossible without such feedback. The most important, purely scientific problem of search of extraterrestrial civilizations is discredited by fans of "flying saucers", UFOs and women who have become pregnant, ostensibly, from aliens...
5 лет назад
Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 5)
Https://www.Pinterest.Ru/pin/739434832539629528/ The man who ruled the time there's no deception or hoax in that name. It is about a man who, using his amazing capabilities, could carry out the movement of, For example, an ordinary student in the XVII or XIX century...
5 лет назад
Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 4)
Pseudoscience: Past and present Pseudoscience includes many branches, the most common of which are astrology, alchemy and numerology. Of course, these empirical teachings of the past have achieved certain results, but are now elements of the occult; for example, astrology gave rise to astronomy; alchemy gave rise to the development of chemistry and should be regarded as a historical stage of its development; numerology, which emerged during the boom of philosophy, mathematics and astrology, gave rise to some ideas of number theory...
5 лет назад
Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 3)
Reasons for the influence of pseudoscience To draw a conclusion from the above, the definition of pseudoscience is the same, by whomever it is given. But the reasons for its appearance and growth are different. There are several reasons for its appearance and growth, and to some extent they are specific for Russia. "Information revolution" At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, significant changes took place in the socio-cultural life of the population, the so-called freedom of choice appeared,...
5 лет назад
Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 2)
Features of pseudoscience The main difference between pseudoscience and science is the uncritical use of new uncritical methods, questionable and often erroneous data and information, as well as the denial of the possibility of denial, while science is based on facts (verified information), verifiable methods and is constantly evolving, parting with the refuted theories and offering new ones. Here is what Vitaly Ginzburg, the Nobel Prize winner in physics of 2003 says: "False science is all sorts...
5 лет назад
Pseudoscience: pros and cons (Part 1)
Since mankind has been able to express thoughts and transmit the experience of cognition of the world around it, an intermediate field has formed between knowledge and ignorance, in which there has always been room to describe the mysterious actions of sorcerers, predictions of astrologers, unidentified flying objects and much more, which is a subject of "alternative science". Recently, when the world, and our country in particular, was overwhelmed by the wave of "information revolution", the public...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 9)
Custom-made dreams Of course, not every unpleasant dream speaks of a disease. Very often the causes of serious diseases are such things as stuffiness in the room, overcrowded stomach, uncomfortable sleeping position in bed. It is often said that in a dream a person sees himself flying into an abyss or falling into a pit, after which he wakes up immediately. Such a dream can come from the fact that the sleeping person lies on his left side and makes it difficult for the heart to work. The heart stops for a few seconds and may dream of falling into an abyss...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 8)
Do not jump to conclusions So there's a dream coming true? Take your time. In all these dreams, there is nothing to tell in the sense of how it is interpreted by dreamers and fortune-tellers, no! What happened to the paleontologist? After reflection, Sternberg himself found an explanation, who was not superstitious. He remembered that he had been hunting goats in that place shortly before the incident. When he sneaked up on them, he looked at them involuntarily, not paying much attention to what was growing here...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 7)
Brain researcher Professor M. Jouvet of the University of Lyon has found in the cat's brain a section that is like a "starting center" to start dreams. This launch centre can be switched on and off artificially. When it is damaged, the dream periods disappear. And this discovery confirms the idea that dreams are necessary for the body. We can assume that they have a kind of protection service. After all, when a person sleeps, he gets many signals of irritation both from the external environment (light on, a sense of cold, etc...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 6)
Three phases of life Not long ago, without thinking about it, we divided our lives into two significantly different phases - awakening and sleeping. Now, perhaps, it's time to give it up. And that's why. While studying the state of a person's sleep, scientists have recently established a lot of interesting facts. It turned out that each of us has two dreams: a slow dream and a fast dream, or paradoxical. An adult has about a quarter of all sleep time falling into a fast sleep, and the rest falls into a slow sleep...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 5)
But what kind of mechanism? The answer was found by finding electromethods of research, which was not done before (scientists began to study bioelectric currents of the brain). It turned out that the reticular formation will be called easier, the RF, - gives energy to the cortex neurons, which allows the body to stay awake. Like a power plant, the Russian Federation provides energy to a neural city - the brain. The switch off the switch and the lights go out in the city, the city sleeps. The power supplies of the Russian Federation itself were also found...
5 лет назад
These mysterious dreams... (Part 3)
Excitation and inhibition are the main nervous processes. Without them, not a single motor act, not a single mental experience can be realized. Excitation and inhibition are two sides, two processes of higher nervous activity. Due to their interaction in the cortex there is an analysis and synthesis of external stimuli in accordance with their importance for the body's vital functions; the dynamics of excitation determines the nature of the response of the body to the effects of its external and internal environment...
5 лет назад